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  1. sexysjhymers

    sexysjhymers The bad bunny from Denton Holme! Banned!

    Oct 26, 2020
    Fiddlers Three
  2. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    All the movies where Mimi Rogers is naked.
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. Rixer
      She just had a small part in the movie I watched last night though.
      Rixer, Jun 29, 2021
      Dearelliot likes this.
    3. Dearelliot
      "Full body massage" the title
      Dearelliot, Jun 29, 2021
      Rixer likes this.
  3. thestrangerinyou

    thestrangerinyou cookiemonster

    Mar 3, 2009
    images (9).jpeg
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. dirtyjedi

    dirtyjedi King ding a ling Banned!

    Jun 7, 2011
    Chasing amy
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    1. thestrangerinyou
      That hole universe is great now you know is a part of it just not directed by Kevin jeff directed it.
      thestrangerinyou, Jun 30, 2021
      dirtyjedi likes this.
  5. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    In the Loop - I don't know why - it's the funniest movie I've seen since Team America (and it's 12 years old now) - James Gandolfini is in it, but nobody seems to have ever heard of it (Well, it IS British).

    • Like Like x 1
  6. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    I don't know if "most" have never heard of it but a lot of people I mention it to never have.
    Melvin and Howard

    When Howard Hughes died, there were dozens of claims to his wealth via "wills" he had left in the hands of the person making the claim.
    One of more outlandish was a guy named Melvin Dummar. He claimed that the will showed up one day where he worked. His explanation is that years earlier while out in the desert he came across a guy wandering lost and offered him a ride.
    The movie is based on Dummar's account of how he met someone in need and helped him without any expectation of reward or payment.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Geminpa
      Great movie
      Geminpa, Jul 2, 2021
      speakeasy likes this.
  7. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    This has been in my Top Five since I first really thought my list through. It's not like some of the others on my short list, that I can watch over and over (Like my #1 L.A. Confidential), because it's just too heartbreaking, but the story of a man trying not only to provide for his young son in Postwar Italy, but to shield the the boy from the harsh realities of the times and give him a sense of optimism for the future, is so real and so true.

    The Bicycle Thief, later released as 'Bicycle Thieves' - the greatest movie from director Vittorio De Sica.

    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2021
  8. Pontiacdavis

    Pontiacdavis Newcumer

    May 7, 2021
    O brother where art thou
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  9. deleted user 43425235

    deleted user 43425235 star dust Banned!

    May 18, 2019
  10. sexysjhymers

    sexysjhymers The bad bunny from Denton Holme! Banned!

    Oct 26, 2020
    Doctor Who and the Daleks
  11. Ed Itor

    Ed Itor dusted

    Jul 13, 2009
    Eric Soya's '17' (1965)
    I remember this fondly it was about a 17 yo virgin male that goes to aunt's for summer & basically sexes every female he meets.
  12. sexysjhymers

    sexysjhymers The bad bunny from Denton Holme! Banned!

    Oct 26, 2020
    boys will be boys(classic Will Hay comedy from early 1930s 0r 1940s)
    Hay may a few comedy films, sadly he died around 1949(i think)
  13. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    "The Shop Around the Corner" is a delightful movie, staring James Stewart, and released in 1940. Back then Hollywood knew how to make romantic movies.

    The Motion Picture Code was in effect from 1930 to 1968. Before the Code movies could deal with serious issues, like rape, but they still avoided nudity and obscene words. Since 1968 there has been a lot of gratuitous sex and obscene words. Michael Medved, a movie critic, has said that there is a market for nudity, but none for obscene words. Even people who use those words habitually are not attracted to movies that include them. The words are included because the reflect the decadent values of the people who make them.
    1. Distant Lover
      This sentence, "The words are included because the reflect the decadent values of the people who make them," should be written, "the words are included because they reflect the decadent values of the people who make the movies."
      Distant Lover, Jun 30, 2021
  14. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    When I first saw "Billy Jack" in 1975 I liked it so much that I watched it several times. The last time I watched it it was on television in the late 1990's. This time I was more critical. I thought that the movie unrealistically idealized the counter culture of the late 1960's and early 1970's, and portrayed conventional American society as more vicious than it is. Also, the Freedom School reminded me of a cult. It almost resembled the cult of Jim Jones at Jonestone. I wondered what kind of job one could get with a degree from the Freedom School.

    Finally, the movie exaggerated what one could do with martial arts techniques. It showed Billy Jack using martial arts techniques, but it did not show him training. This is a criticism I have of most martial arts movies. It conveys the misconception that karate is something one learns, and then knows. Karate is a physical skill. One who does not practice it regularly will not be able to use the techniques effectively.
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. Ed Itor
      If a movie spent a proportion of time showing training than it'd be boring as all get out.
      You are supposed to realise that they do their Katas in the morning or whenever they choose.
      Last edited: Jun 30, 2021
      Ed Itor, Jun 30, 2021
      speakeasy likes this.
    2. Darrin Jones
      It's been 20 + years since I have seen Billy Jack but if my memory is correct, they did mention that he was former special forces in the military and yes most people who take martial arts seriously, do their excercises in the morning as a way of stretching and waking up to start the day.
      And it wasn't a "cult" it was a native American reservation and in the 50's, 60's and 70's they were discriminated more so than today.
      This is where you use your imagination and fill in the blanks, the movie would have been 12 hours long if they spelled it all out for you.
      Old movie but still love it.
      Darrin Jones, Jun 30, 2021
      Distant Lover likes this.
    3. Distant Lover
      There were four Billy Jack movies: "Born Losers," "Billy Jack," "The Trial of Billy Jack," and "Billy Jack Goes to Washington." "Billy Jack Goes to Washington" was modeled after the much older "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." I watched each of these. "Born Losers," unlike the others, does not have a political message. In "Born Losers" Billy Jack protects a small town that is threatened by an outlaw motorcycle gang that names itself "Born Losers."

      By the time "Billy Jack Goes to Washington" was released the brand had lost its appeal. When I watched it in a movie theater in Washington, DC I was one of the only people in the theater.
      Distant Lover, Jul 28, 2021
      Darrin Jones likes this.
    4. speakeasy
      Problem was, Tom laughlin came to believe he WAS Billy Jack.
      speakeasy, Jul 28, 2021
      Ed Itor likes this.
  15. KinkyGuy1999

    KinkyGuy1999 Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
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    1. Odins own
      But the book is a winner.....
      Odins own, Jun 30, 2021
      KinkyGuy1999 likes this.
    2. KinkyGuy1999
      So I've heard, sort of like 'The Hunt For Red October'. I'm just not a book reader.
      KinkyGuy1999, Jun 30, 2021
    3. Ed Itor
      Get the audio book it helps if you don't like reading but want to know what the real story was.
      Ed Itor, Jul 28, 2021
  16. sexysjhymers

    sexysjhymers The bad bunny from Denton Holme! Banned!

    Oct 26, 2020
    Airport '77
    Airport '80
    Beyond the Poesiden Adventure
    1. KinkyGuy1999
      There was one Airport movie where a jumbo (747 I think) crashed in the ocean and the Navy raised it. I liked that one. Not sure which it was.
      KinkyGuy1999, Jun 30, 2021
    2. sexysjhymers
      Airport '77 !
      sexysjhymers, Jun 30, 2021
      KinkyGuy1999 likes this.
    3. sexysjhymers
      I have the novel for both films!!
      sexysjhymers, Jun 30, 2021
  17. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    Guarding Tess
    It's a comedy about a former First Lady (Shirley MacLaine) and her secret service man (Nicholas Cage). She is constantly being difficult by giving her secret service detail the slip, and he is dying to get away from her and on to a more exciting assignment. Whenever he pushes her too far, he gets a personal call from the current President, which always gets him back in line. Even though they drive each other nuts, the movie gradually shows us why she won't let him go, and they end up becoming good friends.

    It's just a feel-good movie.

    • Like Like x 2
  18. inmyhand

    inmyhand My Goddesses Toy

    Apr 10, 2014
    a perfect world
  19. Darrin Jones

    Darrin Jones Sex Machine

    Feb 26, 2015
    Wisdom with Emilio Estevez
  20. GeezoPete

    GeezoPete Porno Junky

    Nov 2, 2019
    Player 5150