Avi Love is sitting down and enjoying a rousing round of her favorite video game, using a wireless controller and headset. She is an aggressive gamer, cursing at the other players and boasting when she wins, but she’s having a good time. She’s talking back and forth with her teammates over the headset. Mackenzie Moss enters the living room, calling out that she’s home. She approaches her gamer girlfriend and leans down, giving her a kiss. Avi is still mostly focused on the game but gives Mackenzie a quick kiss in return. ‘Hey, babe, you’re home early, how was your day? …Not you, DREW — I’m talking to Mackenzie! …Everyone says hi, Mackenzie,’ Avi says. Mackenzie says hi back, then laughs lightly and asks if she’s going to be playing the game much longer. Since Mackenzie is home from work early, she figured they’d have a bit of fun… Avi is distracted, saying that she’ll be done soon and leans in hunched over again, wincing a bit with stiffness which her girlfriend notices. Mackenzie looks a bit disappointed and is about to leave Avi to it, though a mischievous grin soon spreads across her face. Avi is still pretty engrossed in the game, but starts getting distracted when Mackenzie stands behind her and starts massaging her neck and shoulders. Avi asks what she’s doing and Mackenzie responds that she sees that Avi looks a bit sore, she must have been on this couch all day and her posture definitely isn’t helping! So she thought she’d help with a nice shoulder rub while Avi plays. She needs to be good and loose to keep up her lightning-quick gaming reflexes, right? Avi shrugs but accepts the shoulder rub. Soon, Mackenzie begins making slower, more sensual motions, then slips her hands around to pointedly massage Avi’s breasts. She leans down and playfully nips Avi’s neck, saying that Avi is so TENSE…Avi moans softly from arousal and surprise, though she quickly catches herself – she lies to her online friends that, no, that wasn’t a moan — that was a GROAN because Drew is KILLING her with his shit playing! As Avi continues playing, Mackenzie slips Avi’s shorts off and lies her down on her front. Mackenzie begins to sensually massage Avi’s ass, sliding Avi’s panties off and slipping her finger into Avi’s pussy. Avi squirms and gasps, then clumsily tries to focus back on the game. ‘What? No, I’m still here! Sorry, that was just… lag!’ Avi continues trying her hardest to play but it’s really hard to focus with Mackenzie finger-fucking her. Finally, she can’t stand it anymore. ‘Listen, guys, I need a quick break — Yeah, because my GIRLFRIEND wants to bang! Oh, shut it, at least I HAVE a girlfriend! Suck it, ya nerds!’ She then tosses aside the headset and encourages Mackenzie to her feet, kissing her sensually. Now that game-time is over, Mackenzie has Avi’s FULL attention…